ICI Gas DetectIR LW | LWIR Handheld Gas Leak Detection QWIP Camera Fast Video Standard Range 24 FOV SF6
ICI Gas DetectIR VOC (320 pixels) | MWIR Handheld Optical Gas Imaging Camera Fast Video Standard Range 24 FOV
ICI Gas DetectIR VOC (640 pixels) | MWIR Handheld Optical Gas Imaging Camera Fast Video Standard Range 24 FOV
The G-Cam 106 handheld gas imager provides clear vision of SF6 and other dangerous gases. Measuring up to up to 550°C, FOV: 48° x 38°
The G-Cam 76 handheld gas imager provides clear vision of methane and VOC’s. Measuring up to up to 550°C, FOV: 48° x 38°