Level 1 Thermography Trainees Pass Certification Course
Congratulations goes out to all the trainees of the September 19th – 22nd Level I Thermography Training Class for completing the course with flying colors. Each individual attended our 4-day course at our training facility in Beaumont, Texas and then completed a final exam to obtain their new Level I Thermographer status.
Their training consisted of learning the basics of infrared and thermal physics including the heat transfer process and radiosity. They also worked directly with some of our thermal cameras and imagers, as well as their own, to take infrared images and create reports on their findings using our ICI Flash Software.
However, they weren’t all work and no play! Trainees got a tour of the lab, where all the magic happens including manufacturing the infrared cameras and producing the latest report building software. They even got a sneak peek of our newest products coming out in the 4th quarter of the year, which may or may not include a drone package ;).
So if you missed out on this session, be sure to register for our next set of classes before the year is up!
Class: Level I Thermography Training Course
When: December 5th-8th
Where: Infrared Training Institute Beaumont, TX
And as always if you have any questions and need to talk us directly, you can always use our contact form or call us at 1-409-861-0788 or 1-866-861-0788 for international customers.