BEAUMONT, Texas — Infrared Cameras Incorporated (ICI), manufactures P and S Series IR Cameras, which provide accurate skin surface temperature readings from the first 1/1000 th inch of epidermal layer; another product, IR Flash Software version 1.0, visualizes this data and allows for report building functionalities. These devices and software are intended for adjunct use with other clinical diagnostic procedures to help curb the spread of infectious diseases. They can be used in hospitals, sub-acute healthcare settings, and public areas, i.e. airports, schools, etc. Devices are made to order in the  USA.

P and S-Series IR Cameras are paired with ICI’s award-winning IR Flash Software version 1.0. This combo offers unmatched image quality and state-of-the-art radiometric accuracy while streaming real-time radiometric data directly to any desktop, laptop, or embedded system. Users can integrate the system with touchscreen devices and touch enabled monitors. Windows and Linux software, drivers and SDKs are available for custom applications.

The full press release on ICI Steps Up to Prevent Spread of Coronavirus with Infrared Cameras and Report Building Software can be found here.

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