Infrared Cameras Inc at 4C Health / Safety / Environmental Conference

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Come join us at the 4C Health / Safety / Environmental Conference at Booth #408 this February 19th – 21st for a hands-on, one-on-one experience with Infrared Cameras Inc‘s CEO, Gary Strahan, and get the chance to work with some of the finest thermal infrared cameras on the market.

Infrared Cameras Inc will be showcasing their specialized infrared cameras right on the ground floor for an up-close and personal experience with products designed for optical gas imagingelectrical inspectionsresearch & development productsindustrial flare monitoring, water & waste management, and much more. Each product is specific to your applications needs and all can be custom designed and tailored in various ways to make a truly one-of-a-kind system to accomplish your task at hand.

See the wondrous ways Infrared Cameras Inc can make the work in your specific field safer, more productive, and lower your maintenance costs.

4C Health / Safety / Environmental Conference


Get ready for 3 jam-packed days of training, presentations, and networking events in downtown Austin. Join hundreds of professionals from the refining, chemical, oil & gas, and midstream/upstream industries.

The 4C Conference promotes the latest emissions reduction technology and best management practices to drive better environmental outcomes. We bring thought leaders, experts, and technologists from the environmental compliance industry together.

What topics are covered at 4C?

Every year, 4C curates a huge collection of training classes and presentations from subject matter experts, industry end-users, vendors, and policy shapers. Whether you’re looking to gain more expertise in your current field or would like to explore a new topic, you’ll find a presentation or training course at 4C that covers it.

Topics include: