News Release: HDOT Selects Passenger Screening Technology Provider for Hawaii’s Airports

News Center

HONOLULU – The Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) has selected NEC Corporation, NEC Corporation of America and their partner, Infrared Cameras Inc., to provide thermal temperature screening and facial imaging technology at Hawaii’s public airports to help protect the community and identify passengers with a potentially elevated body temperature. The companies combined resources to submit a unified proposal for the project.

“Taking these steps to implement the technology at our airports shows our commitment to providing preventative measures against COVID-19 for the community,” said Gov. David Ige. “We recognize that temperature screening won’t catch every infected passenger, but it is an available tool that can be implemented and combined with the additional measures the State is providing to help prevent the spread of this virus, while helping rebuild the economy.”

The full press release on Hdot Selects Passenger Screening Technology Provider for Hawaii’s Airports can be found here.